
What should I expect on a typical Sunday morning at Good Shepherd?
Going to a new church for the first time can be intimidating and stressful.  Good Shepherd Lutheran Church is aware of these challenges and we do our best to make people feel welcome. You will be greeted by friendly people at the door, and handed a worship bulletin that you will use to follow the worship service.  Although our pastor may welcome visitors during the service, he will never single you out or make you stand up. Each worship service lasts about an hour to ninety minutes.  During our 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. services you will hear classical music and sing traditional hymns.  If you join us for one of our praise worship services throughout the year you will be energized by our upbeat praise team and sing contemporary songs.

Are you affiliated with a particular denomination?
Yes; Good Shepherd Lutheran Church is a member of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS). While the LCMS doctrine makes us “Lutherans”, we realize that certain practices can vary between LCMS congregations, and we would be happy to meet with you and discuss how the Bible is lived out in our church. Feel free to contact us with your questions.

What does being “Lutheran” mean?
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church is affiliated with the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod who holds to a common set of beliefs regarding what the Bible teaches.   These common held beliefs or convictions are drawn directly from the Bible and further clarified in a collection of writing from the 16th century called the Book of Concord.  You can find more information about the LCMS and Lutheranism at The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod website.

Do you have a dress code? What should I wear to Good Shepherd?
Wear whatever you feel comfortable in.  Dress on Sunday morning varies greatly, from business casual and suits to t-shirts, jeans and tennis shoes.  We believe that God is more concerned with your heart than what you wear.

Do I have to be a Lutheran to attend Good Shepherd?

NO, you do not. No matter your spiritual background – whether you grew up in a non-religious family, in another Christian church body, or even in another religion entirely – we invite you to worship at Good Shepherd and decide whether this faith community will best serve you. We do ask all attendees considering membership to go through a new member class, which includes those Christian teachings that are distinctively Lutheran in perspective. We want you to have a clear understanding about what we teach before becoming a member.

Do I have to be a member to take communion at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church?
No, you don’t. Good Shepherd Lutheran Church does practice closed communion and we do, however, desire that you come to communion as one trusting in Jesus as your Savior and believing that He gives you Himself in the Lord’s Supper.  Our Pastor would be more than happy to discuss communion with you.

What about my children during Sunday worship?
Children are welcome during worship at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.  During each service, Children’s message is offered during the sermon.  Children of ALL ages are welcome in the Sanctuary at all times during our church service.  We also provide nursery services for your little one's so that you may worship God in our sanctuary without stress.